Keep up-to-date on the latest vision-related news and eye care events in our Practice.
Dec 21, 2020
Contact lenses that don’t fit properly can cause discomfort and even eye damage. During a contact lens exam, your eye doctor will perform various tests to ensure you get the right prescription and the proper fit.
Dec 06, 2020
The older one gets, the more the eye changes and the higher the risk of developing sight-threatening conditions. Learn about why middle-aged people need reading glasses and when to visit the eye doctor.
Nov 25, 2020
Diabetic retinopathy is a potentially sight-threatening condition caused by high blood sugar levels in diabetics. Fortunately, your eye doctor can advise on how to manage and reduce the risk of developing it.
Nov 05, 2020
If you or your child is new to wearing contact lenses, read our Top 5 Tips to make the adjustment easier.
Oct 22, 2020
Sunglasses aren’t just for summer. Why not, you ask? Read on to find out why sunglasses are just as much “fall wear” as jackets are.
Oct 11, 2020
Consuming certain vitamins and nutrients can support your eye health and potentially ward off serious eye diseases and conditions. Read on to find out more!
Sep 23, 2020
Myopia or nearsightedness is most commonly corrected with prescription glasses or contact lenses. As children grow, their prescription often gets stronger, what we call “progressive myopia”. Our eye doctors can help.
Sep 17, 2020
Eye floaters are usually normal. But what causes them and when do they indicate a serious eye problem that needs emergency eye care?
Aug 27, 2020
Driving long distances, prolonged screen time and even reading can cause eye strain symptoms like headaches and blurry vision. Here are some eye exercises that can help you relax your eyes and find relief.
Aug 17, 2020
Adjusting to new eyeglasses can take time, but persistent visual or eyestrain symptoms that accompany your new eyewear could warrant a call to your optometrist.
Jul 28, 2020
If you wear glasses and a face mask, you’ve probably struggled with “mask fog.” Your lenses get all misty, requiring you to wipe your eyewear throughout the day. Below are a few strategies to help you prevent your eyeglasses from fogging up when wearing a mask. But First, Why Do...
Jul 20, 2020
To get maximal eye protection from your sunglasses, consider replacing them every two years, according to a study conducted in Brazil. Over time, protective UV coatings become less effective.
Jul 14, 2020
Many people don't realize they have a vision problem. Perhaps they've gone years without glasses and haven't noticed the gradual change in their vision. Or they’ve noticed a change, but put off a visit to an eye doctor. Regardless of whether you’re experiencing problems, make an appointment with to maintain...
Jun 28, 2020
Countless people around the world wear daily disposable contact lenses or dailies. These popular single-use lenses are removed and discarded at the end of each day, and a new, fresh pair is inserted the next morning. Used properly, dailies promote eye health, and they’re comfortable and convenient. Despite the...
May 25, 2020
An online eye exam is an automated and interactive vision test that claims to measure mainly visual acuity. It may seem like a convenient way to evaluate your vision or get an eyeglass or contact lens prescription, as these tests can be administered using your computer, tablet, or smartphone from...
May 12, 2020
COVID-19’s rapid sweep across the country has forced optical practices to make rapid clinical management decisions. Some optometrists temporarily shuttered their businesses due to the pandemic, while others began to offer emergency appointment services and telehealth. As mandatory restrictions begin to lift in many locations, optometrists are beginning to open...
May 03, 2020
During the COVID-19 outbreak, we have been going above and beyond to ensure that people are receiving emergency eye care. If you're having an eye emergency call your optometrist first.
Apr 16, 2020
Tele-optometry is a branch of telemedicine that can cover a wide range of problems and treatments related to vision and ocular health. Tele-medicine delivers medical care through digital medical equipment and telecommunications technology, such as online videos accessible through smart phones and tablets. This allows patients to easily receive screenings,...
Apr 12, 2020
You and your children are likely spending more time on mobile devices and computer screens than ever before. Too much time spent staring at screens can cause computer vision syndrome, or digital eye strain, in certain people. While not serious, this condition can be very uncomfortable, potentially causing: Headaches Eyestrain...
Apr 01, 2020
Coronavirus and Your Eyeglasses Did you know that our glasses (this includes the lenses and the frame) can potentially transfer viruses, such as COVID-19, to our eyes, nose, and mouth? This is because viruses — as well as bacteria — are easily transferred from our surroundings to our hands and...
Mar 26, 2020
As coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads around the world, health professionals are demanding that people limit their personal risk of contracting the virus by thoroughly washing their hands, practicing social distancing, and not touching their nose, mouth, or eyes. In fact, it may surprise you to learn that the eyes play an...
Mar 18, 2020
Is your eye doctor's appointment coming up? Are you worried about going to the eye clinic during the new coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic? Rest assured, keeping our patients and staff are safe is our top priority. We anticipate that this outbreak will continue for a while, and do not want our...
Feb 26, 2020
Everyone seems to be staring at a screen these days, whether their computer, their smartphone or another digital device. The stress it puts on your eyes can cause a condition called "digital eye strain" (DES) or "computer vision syndrome" (CVS). Symptoms include eye fatigue, dry eyes, blurred vision, headaches, neck...
Feb 18, 2020
Nation-wide awareness about the vast dangers of obesity is at an all-time high, with TV shows like “The Biggest Loser” and health initiatives such as Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move!” campaign shining a spotlight on the importance of fitness and good nutrition. However, despite the public’s knowledge of obesity’s effects on...
Jan 27, 2020
Playing outside in a snowy winter wonderland can be magical. Under clear skies in the sunshine, the soft white landscape becomes just about irresistible, whether at home or travelling on a winter-weather get-away. Before you let your children run outside to build the most adorable snowman or fling themselves onto...
Jan 16, 2020
Did you know that people with diabetes are 20 times more likely to get eye diseases than those without it? There are three major eye conditions that diabetics are at risk for developing: cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. To prevent these sight-threatening diseases, it's important to control your blood sugar...
Dec 22, 2019
Your eyes aren't just the windows to your soul — they can also reveal valuable information about your general health beyond whether you need glasses, including: diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. It is not unusual for people to come in for an eye exam just to check their eyesight...
Dec 11, 2019
Smoking harms nearly every system in your body — including your eyes. Though we are all aware of the health effects associated with smoking, such as lung cancer, heart disease, and bad teeth, few know about the negative impact it can have on our vision. Smoking and Eye Disease Smoking,...
Nov 26, 2019
Once you and your doctor have decided on the type of contact lenses you'll need, it's time to choose the most suitable contact lens solution for your eyes and contacts. There exist 2 different types of solution for contact lenses: Multipurpose and Hydrogen Peroxide-based. While both remove debris and build-up,...
Nov 04, 2019
Swimming in a pool with your contacts on or topping off your solution may seem harmless, but they could compromise your contact lenses and your vision. Below are daily habits to adopt for optimal contact lens care: Wash Your Hands Regularly Whether you use daily or monthly contact lenses, make...
Oct 23, 2019
Whether you live in a cold climate or have visited one in the winter, you have probably seen someone who just walked in from the cold outdoors sporting glasses that are no longer transparent, or perhaps you’ve experienced it yourself. Why Do Glasses Fog Up? There are several factors that...
Oct 03, 2019
Good Eye Care Habits & Hygiene By practicing good eye care habits and hygiene, you can prevent many vision problems from occurring. Eye problems and the risks associated with vision loss only grow as you age. By neglecting eye care, you place yourself at a higher risk of suffering from...
Sep 24, 2019
Countless adults, teens and even children will be wearing colored contact lenses this Halloween, but few are aware of the risks involved. Ever wondered what those cat-eye contacts are doing to your eyes? If you got them without a prescription, beware of health complications. Enjoy a safe and happy Halloween...
Sep 16, 2019
September Is Sports Eye Safety Month! Ocular sports trauma is among the leading causes of permanent vision loss in North America. Tens of thousands of people get treated for sports-related eye injuries a year, with the most common injuries occurring during water sports and basketball. Infections, corneal abrasions, eye socket...
Aug 29, 2019
This summer, heat waves with scorching temperatures have hit communities nationwide, making an already hot summer even hotter. With high temps and heat waves in certain areas, it’s now more important than ever to protect yourself. For best practices and tips for maintaining healthy vision in the summer heat, talk...
Jul 22, 2019
July is UV Safety Awareness Month, and no wonder! With the summer sun out in full force, it’s now more important than ever to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays. During this month, people who have suffered from UV ray damage and their loved ones are encouraged to share...
Jun 27, 2019
This summer, whether you're headed across state lines on a family road trip, flying off to Europe, grabbing a quick weekend getaway, or taking a vacation in your own backyard, don't forget to protect your eyes! Summer Eye Care Near You Check out our top 4 tips for ensuring healthy...
Jun 11, 2019
June is Cataract Awareness Month. During this important time, people living with cataracts (and their loved ones) are encouraged to talk about their personal experiences by giving each other helpful information and sharing their knowledge and advice. Use the hashtag #CataractAwarenessMonth on your social media channels to encourage and support...
May 22, 2019
Do your kids need glasses in order to see clearly? Maybe they have a strong case of nearsightedness, perhaps they have astigmatism, or another type of refractive error. Whatever the cause, getting your kids to wear eyeglasses can be a parenting challenge. treats patients from all over , with their...
May 08, 2019
May is Mental Health Awareness Month in the USA; in Canada, Mental Health week is May 6th to 12th. Since 1949, it has been observed throughout the United States as a way of drawing attention to the importance of proper mental health. This year’s theme is #4Mind4Body. The idea is...
Apr 16, 2019
April is Parkinson's Awareness Month in the USA and Canada, a time when those living with the disorder, their family members, friends, and community come together to raise awareness and share helpful information. People with Parkinson's Disease (PD) and their loved ones are encouraged to share their stories, struggles, and...
Mar 19, 2019
Spring is a season of new beginnings, when the cold harsh winter months are behind us, flowers bloom, and people begin spending more time outdoors. For people with allergies, spring means one more thing: suffering. Spring may be in the air, but for allergy sufferers, so is pollen, pet dander,...
Mar 07, 2019
March 8th is International Women's Day, a day when women are honored and their accomplishments celebrated worldwide. From medicine to law, entrepreneurship to corporate leadership, education to the military, women are achieving great strides in areas of business like never before. In addition to professional achievements, International Women's Day is...
Feb 24, 2019
Most of us have the basics: bleach, oven cleaner, air freshener, furniture polish, and window spray. Did you know that chemicals found in these kinds of cleaning products can be toxic and harmful to your health? In small amounts, they generally don’t cause much damage. But when used on a...
Feb 07, 2019
It’s February and that means we’re smack in the middle of winter, which is also the middle of the school year. It’s the season when kids fervently hope for snow days and parents hope they don’t happen. As we head towards the second half of the school year, you’ve probably...
Jan 28, 2019
January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month. What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma, a silent eye disease, is the most common form of irreversible blindness in the world. It is actually a group of diseases that causes progressive damage to the optic nerve. Glaucoma is a progressive eye disease that can lead to...
Jan 17, 2019
Each year during the month of January we recognize World Braille Day which gives us the opportunity to take a moment and appreciate the incredible gift that Braille has given to those who are blind or suffer from vision loss. What is Braille? Braille is a tactile representation of letters...
Jun 25, 2018
We invite you to take a look around our new site to get to know our practice and learn about eye and vision health. You will find a wealth of information about our optometrists, our staff and our services, as well as facts and advice about how to take care...
Jun 25, 2018
Conjunctivitis, also called pink eye, is one of the most frequently seen eye diseases, especially in kids. It can be caused by viruses, bacteria or even allergies to pollen, chlorine in swimming pools, and ingredients in cosmetics, or other irritants, which touch the eyes. Some forms of conjunctivitis might be...